New Cover for Right Your Resume

A few days ago, I commenced writing a resume writing e-course for delivery to school leavers, parents and carers returning to the work, people with English as a second language, career changers and jobseekers struggling to get invited to attend job interviews.  The course will cover pretty much what is covered in Right Your Resume, except that it will have less text and more visual elements and downloadable handouts (and perhaps even video tutorials).

I had to change the course name to Write Your Resume, and because of that I had to commission a different cover. I received a completed mock up yesterday and instantly fell in love with it.

I liked this course cover so much, I asked if we could update the book cover to this design, and after a few minor changes, this is the result:

My publisher loved the cover too, and updated the Kindle book cover to this - but I checked Amazon website, and even though this cover is now the cover that purchasers will receive, Amazon is still displaying the old, dark cover. So my designer will need to rework the spine and back cover so that the new cover is the one that shows up.

What do you think? Do you like the new cover?